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A Gypsy's Dream NC

Why Smudge Secondhand Items

Who doesn’t love a good thrift shop find? You can find so many treasures at yard sales and antique shops, but have you ever stopped to consider the history of the object you’re bringing into your home? What type of energy is attached to that item?

We don’t think twice before cleansing our homes, but we should all cleanse our new second hand items as well.

Consider where the item came from, if it came from a trusted loved one who's energy to value, it would not be necessary.

First, physically wash the item. Then place it on a white cloth where the items wont be disturbed. Ideally someplace it will be in the sunlight for 5-60 minutes. The sun can be a very powerful cleansing aid. Light a bundle of dried white sage and smudge the object allowing the smoke to cover it completely. Remember to open and close the item if it opens. Say a prayer or blessing. This is a wonderful way to set your intentions for the item. Ask any divine aid or spiritual helper you’re comfortable with to aid you in the protection of your new items.

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